Current Vacancies

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Our mission and values

The Harrison Psychology Group is a supportive, encouraging and friendly environment where you can put your heart and soul into your career.

These are the principles that guide our work: 

Clinical Approach

We adopt an integrative approach using mindfulness, ACT, CFT, CBT and Psychodynamic forms of Psychotherapy.


We provide affirmative clinical care to people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning.


We are a women-led business, a safe space, and we support women to reach their full potential


We practice what we preach, work hard on our own self-betterment and remain dedicated to helping others work through their pain. 


We support each other, receive regular supervision, and are not pushed to take on more than we can handle.

Healthy Boundaries

We thrive professionally and maintain a work-life balance. Remote working is considered.